We Miss You, Rourke!

Few positions in professional sports have the same impact on their team’s trajectory as a quarterback. Having a signal caller who can command the offence has an effect that transcends all areas of a locker room. The offensive coordinator can dial up his best plays with confidence and set them up with savvy play calling. The defence can rest up on the sidelines and know the offence will move the chains a couple of times to keep them fresh for the next series. And most of all…the fans can’t wait to watch dynamic play at the most important and exciting position in football.

Remember when that’s what we were treated to every week with Lions football?

The current product is a stark contrast to the unit that we saw with Nathan Rourke under center, and serves as a harsh reminder of what losing a starting quarterback to an injury can do to a football team. With the depth chart completely decimated, the Lions turned to further replacements and started Antonio Pipkin against the Alouettes Friday night.  Let me be clear there is no fault, blame, or judgment towards these athletes who deserve a ton of credit for taking to the field while very much still learning the majority of the playbook. After eight series, Rick Campbell thought he would see what Vernon Adams Jr. could do but ultimately switched back to Pipkin after three series. Neither inspired much confidence or gave fans a glimpse of hope in a rough 31-10 loss.

Instead, we are left to keep counting down the days to Rourke’s return to full health next season. It’s a difficult pill to swallow considering the quality product the Lions put on the field this season when he was healthy. Having that excitement snuffed to an injury is part of sports…but it doesn’t make it any more fun for a consumer of the product. Get better Rourke! And keep bringing back this brand of CFL football I can get behind.


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