Show Your Garden Some Fall Love!

It is that magical time of year again where the air becomes a crisp refreshment for your lungs every time you step outside in the morning. The scent of fresh dew welcomes you to your day, as golden bronze leaves start to leave their home and fall to the ground. I love the vibes of summer dearly, but fall brings with it a new set of things to enjoy. This enduring season shift is a great time to set your garden up for winter success! Here are three quick tips to have your garden flourish as the rain approaches.

  • Nourish your soil for the winter by mulching around the base of your trees and shrubs. Using wood chips, bark, or leaves to create a layer over the soil will keep that soil as notorious as possible for your garden!
  • If your lawn is torched after a hot summer (like mine is), September is a prime time to use the best ORGANIC slow-release fertilizer on your lawn. Doing this prior to the wet weather will allow for the roots to build strong root systems to help your lawn recover and come back stronger. The slow-release aspect is important, as the heavy rains will not wash it all away before it has finished helping your lawn.
  • Don’t forget about your houseplants! Be sure to get them outside to clean them up before repotting them with fresh fertilizer. This is a step that I have skipped in the past with poor outcomes for those dear roommates. This “fall cleaning” will have your plants ready for a happy winter after some TLC.

This is one of the best times of year to still get out into the garden and make sure the back-end work is done so your garden can prosper this winter.  Maybe more importantly it will be ready for your next gardening challenges comes the spring. Here are some more great tips if this wasn’t enough for you!

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