Vancouver is a candidate host city for the FIFA World Cup in 2026

Minister of Tourism, Arts, Culture and Sport, Melanie Mark, said “I am encouraged that FIFA has confirmed Vancouver, British Columbia, as a candidate host city for the FIFA World Cup 2026. The FIFA World Cup is the largest single sporting event in the world. Hosting the event would be a once-in-a-generation opportunity for soccer fans, for our tourism sector and for all British Columbians. The stars are aligning for Canada Soccer, British Columbia and Vancouver. It’s time we showcase beautiful B.C. once again.”

The rest of the world along with BC has been hit hard by this pandemic. Melanie Mark believes that hosting the FIFA world cup would be a great way for BC’s tourism “industry” to recover from the impact COVID-19 has had on the industry these past two years.

The FIFA world cup is watched by more than 3.5 billion people. Putting the spotlight on BC would encourage and attract people to come from all around the world. Melanie Mark said, “We have a world-class stadium, excellent training facilities and established infrastructure that meets FIFA hosting requirements, all of which make Vancouver particularly well equipped to host the event.”

If BC were to host the world cup in 2026, it would bring around $1 billion in new revenue for BC’s tourism. Not only during the event but also the five years following the cup. Individuals and communities would benefit from the amount of people that would come to BC for an event like the world cup.

It’s clear that any major sporting event- especially one like the FIFA world cup that happens every four years- would be able to encourage people to get involved. Melanie Mark said, “These are gains that will echo in our families and neighbourhoods for the next generation and beyond.”

FIFA said the selection process for host cities is ongoing, but Vancouver is in the running.


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