From “Bruce there it is” to “Bruce it’s done?”

Remember back in December of last year, December 6 to be exact, and The Canucks are looking horrible. They’re coming off a loss against the Pittsburgh Penguins the night before where they got booed off the ice, a jersey got thrown onto the ice by a disgusted fan, and the team looked totally defeated and lifeless. Francesco Aquillini then decides to clean house with both the coaching staff and management. In steps Bruce Boudreau and The Canucks go on a miraculous run and almost make the playoffs, but fall just short, getting eliminated in game eighty of eighty two.

Fast forward to this past Tuesday, May 3, where President, Jim Rutherford, and General Manager, Patrik Allvin, held a season end press conference and didn’t exactly paint a picture of ringing endorsement for the current Canucks head coach. While Jim Rutherford did praise and commend Bruce Boudreau for the job he did as head coach in the fifty seven games in which he was behind the bench for The Canucks, he stopped short of saying that there was going to be a long term extension for Bruce on the horizon. Jim Rutherford admitted that The Canucks would love to have Bruce back, but only on the current contract status he is currently signed to.

When Bruce Boudreau signed to come to Vancouver, his second year on his contract was revealed to have an option year for both parties involved. This was a stark contrast to Bruce’s media availability Monday, May 2, where he said that he loved his time here in Vancouver and made it clear to management that he wanted to be back and also made it sound like management felt mutual in that sentiment.

The way that Bruce treated the media, the fans with his cameos during the holidays, and how he motivated and interacted with this team, I think it would be foolish to let him walk. This team looked lost and down right sorry only a few months ago. We finally are starting to have hope and optimism back in this hockey crazed market and I truly believe that Bruce is a key contributor and turning point to that. This isn’t Bruce’s first rodeo either as he has coached more than 1000 regular season NHL games and has more than 600 wins. Lets hope he can continue racking up those wins here in Vancouver and the chant of “Bruce There It Is” stays alive and well!

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