How do smartphone change our way to know people


One of the biggest difference between my generation with my parents’ one is how we meet people. They used to be very straight forward as they literally meet whoever run into them physically. It can be in a cafe, a park or a pub. For us now, it could go really wild. We connect to people at the other side of the world. We probably can’t tell how does that person look like? The world nowadays seems way more misty and foggy.

With the smart devices, people nowadays can know pretty much everything by simply staying at home. Information flow is way more automatic which algorithm feeds you what you need. One always stick with what he/she searched before, again due to algorithm. In that sense, that also make our world so much smaller where we are just open to what we have experienced. That applies to meeting new people too. People lack the motivation to go out and talk to real people. Internet gives them everything. Internet raises people up but in the meanwhile could destroy people into ash too.

People now tend to be more conservative in a sense that they “google search” people first before they actually meet or talk. The human civilisation told us that we developed our language skills from zero. And now we seem to roll back to that “we do not know how to talk” era…

Will human being really turn into alien… Small brain but extra long finger as the body will be modified by the excessive use of smart devices. Thinking about this now is terrifying and very creepy to me. This can be the best example of how human beings got fooled by its own creation…

So is there anything we can do to escape from such a control?

Bored Panda

Just get back to square one and talk to the real actual person next to you!!!

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