What you should know about NFT?

Is NFT the new way to make money or it’s exclusive to some people?

NFT has been under heat debate for few years now and seems like people still could not get enough of it. People used to invest on stock market or property market in order to make some good money. However, people now could earn money using simple tools like a photo or meme. Older generation feels like this way of making money is way too vague and difficult to get a grasp of.  The world seems to be in frenzy with it as reflected in the extraordinarily high selling price (highest piece so far is at USD$91.8m.)

For content creators or artists, this may be a nice way to introduce new way of making money. They no longer have to create the actual art piece and wait for the deals in like art galleries or studios. Instead, they could just list them online and see if anyone would buy that.  It provides way more flexibility and fluidity to trading which could probably start a new trend for the upcoming decades. Maybe people will no longer buy and sell actual artworks but the online version. Probably no one could imagine the emerge of smart devices twenty years ago untill Steve Jobs actually brought that to reality.  Things nowadays change and develop with the pace that we could hardly envision. Who could have foresee that the world will be ruled by the pandemic for more than three years now? Nothing is impossible now and what we could do may just be stay open-minded and be adaptable.

Other than the usual descriptions about NFT, more behind-the-scene of the idea shall be explored. It shall means more than just a way to make money but how could new idea change the world. How do new ideas pop up would also be an endless topic to work on.

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