The Vancouver Sun Run finally returned this weekend

Nearly 20,000 runners hit the streets Sunday for Vancouver’s Sun Run. The marathon returned this year after a two-year hiatus but as a hybrid version. Runners could participate virtually from the 15th to the 24th or in-person on the 24th, allowing people who are still hesitant about big crowds the ability to participate. 20,000 people chose to do the 10k marathon in person while 3,000 partook virtually. 

Vancouver Sun Run 2022

roaming-the-planet / Flickr

Vancouver Olympian Lucas Bruchet was the first to finish the race, in 28 minutes and 29 seconds. Lucas competed in the 2016 Rio Olympics and the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. Lucas nearly beat his personal best on Sunday for a 10-kilometer race, by just 12 seconds. 

Surrey Paralympian Nathan Dewitt finished the 10k wheelchair race in 33 minutes and 59 seconds. Nathan competed in the 2012 London Paralympics and finished in 8th place. Nathan is also a BCIT alumnus! BCIT has such a diverse and interesting range of alumni. 

I am in awe of these athletes. I can’t even run for half an hour straight in general, let alone run 10 kilometers in that time. I also congratulate and praise all the participants of the Vancouver Sun Run! So many different people participate every year and it’s a quite positive and encouraging environment! It’s not only Olympians competing; people walk the marathon with their babies in strollers.

I’ve never participated in the Sun Run and I don’t think I ever would but my dad trained for it a few years back! He didn’t end up participating but he still got the shirt and he wears it to the gym all the time. I think he wants people to be impressed that he ran a 10k but he never actually did it . . . That seems kinda like fraud. 

I may consider joining the mini 2.5k run next year but that’s a strong maybe. Perhaps if my dad actually does the 10k next year, I’ll do the mini-run.

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