Justin Bieber Returns With Personal and Musical Confessions

Justin Bieber, a Canadian artist, embarked on a promotional tour of his fifth album, “Changes,” when the coronavirus forced him to postpone. The new album was a personal endeavor for a Canadian heartthrob known for bubblegum pop, and it was a collection of R&B tracks.

On one of his many songs last year, Justin Bieber sang about getting his “Intentions” straight on one of his many songs. He battled with popularity after becoming a pop phenomenon as a teenager, making his debut at the age of 15, and it appeared at one time that he was on the verge of a Britney-style meltdown. However, there were no No. 1 hits from the album, and Bieber’s return to the stage was a commercial disappointment, even by his lofty standards.

Justin Bieber has been out of the spotlight for years, and it’s worth noting how much of that time was voluntary and how much was necessary. Bieber struggled with substance misuse and burnout due to his constant public exposure after his pop peak in the previous to mid-2010s. Receding was the only choice available.
Bieber returned to the studio and began work on “Justice.” The album has sent Bieber back to the top of the charts. In March, he was the world’s top pop star and the most famous music artist on Spotify and Instagram. After the modest performance of “Changes,” Bieber’s return to form with “Justice” is a tribute to the hyper-productivity of many artists throughout the outbreak.

Finally, he’s back, and he’s addressing his old problems in two ways. He opens up about his dark points in a new YouTube video series. And on his latest album, “Changes,” he rethinks his musical approach, opting for a more modest R&B that is also better to his taste rather than big-tent pop without heart. Despite the fact that Bieber’s album has little in common with the rest of contemporary pop music, it does share some unexpected similarities with Harry Styles’ last album, which similarly veers away from popular trends, and Selena Gomez’s latest, which likewise tackles themes of wellness and romance.

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