Step Aside October… Time For Movember

Remind yourself this morning when you’re flipping over the calendar to stow away your razor blade too.

That’s right, with October behind us and November officially taking the lead, it’s time to grow out your stache and raise awareness surrounding men’s health because that’s what Movember is all about.

(mmi9 / Pixabay)

In further detail, Movember does far more than just raise awareness surrounding men’s health. The charity organization raises millions of dollars every year to help combat issues facing thousands of men across the globe.

Their initiative revolves around a plethera of issues men face, but draws a main focus to mental health, suicide prevention, testicular cancer, and prostate cancer. And over the past 18-years since the company’s conception in 2003, over $1-billion have been raised to create programs for those struggling with their mental well being, and for clinical research to help fight the battle versus prostate and testicular cancer.

On Movember’s website, you’re given the option to outright donate to the organization itself, or donate to a team of individuals that may have directed you to the charity. Movember is challenging its backers and donors to raise awareness in a variety of fashions. There’s the ever so popular tactic which is simply… just letting your moustache go wild, and when your loved ones and friends ask “what’s the deal with the stache, eh?”, you tell them you’re raising awareness for men’s health and ask if they would like to donate to the Movember charity. Another option put forward this year is the Move For Movember challenge, where participants will strive to run or walk a total of 60km across the month of November.

But you’re not just limited to growing out the stache or running a few clicks, if you have a fun idea that you believe could help garner attention for the charity, the organization is all for it and compels you to give it a shot!

Men’s health is often something that gets put on the sideburner too often… and Movember wants to alter the status quo surrounding mental and physical health in men. And with how chaotic the world has been over the last two-years, they appreciate as much help as they can get.

Visit their website here and consider making a donation today.


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