Elton John

How long does it take to go down the yellow brick road? Welp, it feels like it’s been taking forever and I’m not even exaggerating, Elton John’s Farewell Yellow Brick Road Tour started on September 8th, 2018… Yup 2018. On October 21st, 2022 Elton will be back in Vancouver for the second time on this tour. 


Elton originally was planned to start the second half of his tour that was already delayed by the Covid-19 on September 28th, in Denmark but due to a hip injury, he was forced to reschedule all events for the rest of 2021.

“At the end of my summer break, I fell awkwardly on a hard surface and have been in considerable pain and discomfort in my hip ever since. Despite intensive physio and specialist treatment, the pain has continued to get worse and is leading to increasing difficulties moving. I have been advised to have an operation as soon as possible to get me back to full fitness and make sure there are no long-term complications. I will be undertaking a program of intensive physiotherapy that will ensure a full recovery and a return to full mobility without pain.”

Despite his recent injury Elton has still been cranking out the tracks and is coming out with an album of sorts called The Lockdown Sessions where he works with a variety of different artists including Charlie Pluth, Dua Lipa, Lil’ Nas X, and Stevie Nicks. The “album” is set to be released in just under a week.


Despite what feels like the longest wait for Elton John to come back to Vancouver, having a set date in sight gives fans something to look forward to. Even if it is over a year away.

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