CFL news: What can we expect from Grey Cup 2021?

After a disappointing loss for the BC Lions at BC Place last night against the Calgary Stampeders, the BC Lions hopes for playing in the 108th Grey Cup this year are getting slimmer and slimmer.

The 108th Grey Cup Festival is being hosted by the Hamilton Tiger-Cats with the final game schedule on December 12th, 2021 at 3 pm PT.

After a season off due to the unprecedented events of COVID-19, football fans across Canada are excited to see another CFL season and Grey Cup, no matter what it looked like – and let me tell you, it isn’t quite the same, but damn is it great to see our teams on the turf again!

On October 14, the Canadian Football League publicly shared that Hamilton will be hosting the 110th Grey Cup in 2023.

The Hamilton Tiger-Cats have been waiting for a staggering 25-years since they last hosted the Grey Cup in 1996. Tiger-Cat fans and the club are excited to host 2 Grey Cups in 3 years in the hopes that the pandemic restrictions will be lightened, if not, completely abolished.

CFL commissioner, Randy Ambrosie, shared that, “Hamilton hasn’t hosted the Grey Cup in 25 years and the league recognized that Tiger-Cats fans and Hamiltonians deserve the opportunity to host the full Grey Cup Festival experience in our city as originally intended, before the pandemic, without the lingering public health restrictions and limitations.”

The announcement of Hamilton also being awarded the Grey Cup Festival in 2023 along with this year, is raising questions on whether or not Grey Cup will look like it did pre-COVID this year.

Events like the trophy’s arrival, head coaches new conferences and league address will be held as normal, but the usual festival festivities have been cancelled due to provincial restrictions for non-seated, general-admission indoor events.

As we have grown used to, all fans interested in attending will need to be fully vaccinated. General public seating for the game will go on sale on October 26.

Hamilton will be giving us a taste test this year of what to expect for the 110th Grey Cup as they will be showing off their stadium upgrade on Tim Hortons Field since they hosted the 84th Grey Cup (most famously known as the ‘Snow Bowl’) at their then-home field of Ivor Wynne Stadium. Hopefully, this year and 2023 are a little less snowy!

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