Beyond The Sidelines – Jeremy Meneses

What’s the furthest you’ve ever travelled by bike?.. A question that varies between a variety of folks. Some can say they’ve biked across their town, up a steep hill, perhaps a few dozen kilometers, or even a hundred or so!

Then there are the guys like me that barely remember how to ride a bike in the first place and are lucky enough to say that they’ve travelled any bit of distance at all on a bike… Then there are the select few that have crossed an ENTIRE country by bike… and I’m not talking about countries like Luxembourg or The Vatican… I’m talking Canada and all of its glory. Now, that sounds like a pretty grueling task… who on Earth is up for the challenge?.. Why, none other than Jeremy Meneses, who took it upon himself to navigate across Canada this Summer SOLELY by bike.

Tune in and have a listen on Jeremy’s story as he conquered Canada on two wheels!

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