Walking 70 Metres Above a River

Are you afraid of heights? The fear of heights, also called Acrophobia, is actually only in about 3% of the world’s population. But it seems like almost everyone admits that they are scared of heights at one point in their life. In Vancouver, there is one tourist attraction that transcends all others in the conquering of heights. The Capilano Suspension Bridge.

The crowning feature of this place is, well, the bridge! Don’t worry about it ever breaking, it can hold a fully packed 747 airplane. It is 137 metres long and 70 metres above the river below. In fact, the bridge is so strong that it can hold up to 96 adult elephants in weight. Reinforced with cable wires, it stays in place with massive blocks of concrete on either side. The park also monitors the wind and weather of the area, so even if there is a slight chance of dangerous weather, they will close the bridge.

Beales, Jacalyn. ‘Capilano Bridge’ 2017. JPG file. / Unsplash

However, the bridge is not the only thing that park offers. At the entrance of the attraction, you will be given a scavenger hunt to collect all the stamps located throughout the park. This includes a gift shop, natural exhibits, and a tree house! There is a hiking trail on the far side of the bridge, which is populated by a diverse lot of critters.

You might think “whew! know that I’ve gotten over the massive bridge, my worry of going to the washroom on the spot is over!” Well let me tell you, the famed bridge is not the only heart-racing thing in the park. A rather new addition to the park, the Cliffwalk is an extended cliffside adventure that spans over 213 metres along Capilano Canyon. Its high and narrow design is perfect for thrill seekers, but if you get anxious easily, I’d avoid this one just because of its extensive length. As one of the most famous attractions in Vancouver, the Capilano Suspension Bridge Park has become a cultural experience that is a must-visit for everyone.

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