Temporary is real: Memories are forever

Everybody lives in a world full of addictions. There are several types of addiction, such as drug addiction, sex addiction, social media addiction, food addiction, shopping addiction, exercise addiction, etc. What kinds of addiction could be said worst? I consider that an addiction to a specific person is the most challenging addiction which could not cure right away.

Before I start a story, let me share with you some compelling facts about addiction. People not only addict to things but also addict to behaviors, especially to bad habits. Some addictive behaviors are not noticeable, but they go deeper. They are hard to get over. The most common addictive behaviors are lying, stealing, manipulating, and obsession. According to Pamela Meyer’s Ted Talk, “How to spot a liar,” we all lie from ten to two hundred times a day without noticing. Most of the manipulators are active in addiction. Lovers try to manipulate each other. Parents manage their kids. Bosses exploit their employees, and people like to influence others. They would play as a victim and control other’s emotions.

Let’s consider her name as She. She is a happy and genial girl. Her life was smooth. She got whatever she wants, so she did not has many expectations. Maybe this is because many changes happened in her life every time and made her believe nothing lasts long. But when it comes to the loved one, She wants everything to be permanent. Does permanent exist?
She was born in an unwell-known country that exists in Southeast Asia. At her age of seven, her parents wanted their daughter to get a better education, so the whole family moved abroad. They trained her to be an independent girl. She’s parents let her do everything she wanted as long as she gets good grade at school. She likes to try different things. She was not only a good student, but she also participated in every activity at school. She was a cheerleader, mascot and she prefers playing every sport. The first addiction in her life was playing basketball. She was also a captain of a soccer team. She was an athlete.
Her life was full of adventure. When she turned fourteen, the changes happened. Her grandmother passed away, so her Dad decided to go back to his hometown to care for his father. She didn’t want to leave: she wants to finish school and go to university with her best friends, but she understood the situation. She is a flexible girl. All she wanted was to bring her basketball collections back home. It was a white addiction. That was the first time she learned the meaning of the word “temporary.”

Things did not change a lot for her back home. She expanded her social life. She went to school as usual and finished high school with flying marks. She had the chance to choose any university she likes.
Even though her parents want her to join the Medical field, she chose Media school. Since she was young, she likes to be on stage all the time. She always participated in school ceremonies. Then she realized that she wants to be a television host. Soon after she joined the school, she started participating as a T.V. host at the school channel. Then, she extended her career as an event host. Everything was so smooth in her life. She was unnoticeably addicted to this job.
Her love life was so simple. She has dated several guys, but she never falls in love. Since she was introduced to the word “temporary,” she always tries not to obsesses with things. She always believes that she never addict to something; she can cut off everything easily, no matter how much she likes it. After some time, she would notice that it was not true.


When she turned nineteen, her parents want her to expand her further study abroad again. First, she refused to go: her life here is stable, smooth, and exactly what she wanted. She did not want to make any changes to this, but she fulfilled her parents’ desire and left abroad.

She still believes in her mind that everything will be fine and becomes stable as usual. She is always lucky. She can handle everything. At first, everything was going with the flow. While studying abroad, she was with her parent, spending her free time on her hobbies and friends. She had
nothing to worry about. Things were quite different now. She needs to work, manage her taxes, and also school assignments. The worst part is She feels lonely, and no one besides her. She could not smile every day as
she used to be. Even though she makes new friends, she feels some parts of her life are missing. She disturbs herself by going out. She had gone to her favorite cafe every day and study. That day she was listening to music, and it pops out when her AirPods battery dies. She disturbed the entire cafeteria. There was a man sitting in front of her. He seemed in his thirty. While everyone seemed annoyed by her, he just smiled at her and left. It was how she found her missing part. She just noticed him but never think that man is her type. She did not know at first that that man could be her first love. They started dating. He was taking care of her a lot, which she never had experiences in life before. Her parents were not able to take care of her physically as they are always busy with works. She started obsessing with him. She did not notice that until he started pulling back after dating for half of the year. She felt his absence. Then she found out how much she was emotionally addicted to him. She did not question him or take revenge on him and lets him go very easily. She did suffer being away from that man for a long time. She had dated many guys, but she left him before she gets attached. She knows the whole situation was not an accident but karma. She is addicted to many things in her life, but she learned that everything in life does not last forever, making her lets things go easily.

We have been through many things in our life. We feel happiness, sadness, love, hate, passion, depression, etc., nothing lasts forever but memories. Temporary is real, but memories still last forever.




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