Another Impressive Season From Harbinson’s Vees

The Penticton Vees have been a dominant force in the BCHL’s ‘pod’ season through 14 games. The Vees, coached by Fred Harbinson, have won 12 of their 14 games with one regulation loss and 1 shootout loss as well on the season. Harbinson says his team’s depth and defense has been a driving force in his team’s success.

“You’ve got scoring throughout all our lines up front. It seems like any given night it’s a different line that takes the bull by the horns and produces. The other glaring stat that sticks out is our goals against average and that’s a team commitment and attitude to our defensive game”

The Vees have given up a league best 17 goals through 14 games and have also stayed out of the penalty box more than any other team in the League.

Fred Harbinson has been coaching the Penticton Vees for 14 years now and year after year he continues to get great results and this season is no different. Although, in the BCHL’s ‘pod’ set up, the Vees are only playing against 2 other teams, the Vees have dealt with the team’s put in front of them. The Vees will play one more game against both the Cranbrook Bucks and Trail Smoke Eaters before ending the ‘pod’ season once and for all.

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