VanPodFest: Pitch Your Podcast Idea Next Week!

Your podcast. You talked about during the lockdown with friends and classmates. Perhaps you wanted to discuss hockey, gaming or politics for an hour each week? Now, as your school schedule occupies most of your days, the Great Podcast Plan has slowly lowered on your priority list. But, now is your chance pitch your idea! Powerful producers in the city are looking for new ideas. Between November 18th and 22nd, the Vancouver arts organization DOXA will present a virtual form of the VanPodcast Festival. Learn how to make a knockout podcast in this five-day event,

This festival will include discussion panels, workshops and the festival’s first live pitch session.  Each session is filled with useful information from experienced professionals. Learn how to record studio quality audio from home, market your podcast, build your brand and pitch to producers effectively. Receive feedback from producers and creators that work for some of Canada’s biggest networks—CBC, Telus and Canadaland. Chat with experienced podcasters that cover a wide range of topics, including true crime, international news and pop culture.

Watch actor and content creator Kurt Long discuss his podcast festival experience in 2018.

Let’s be honest for a moment: more people study and work from home, so listeners are not tuning in quite as ravenously as last year. However, top podcasts have retained their popularity. Best to use your spare time to plan at home now; use the coming months to prepare for the millions of Canadians that will inevitably return to their long commutes. The Great Post-COVID Return will be one epic case of the Mondays. Listeners will devour content that distracts them from heinous Vancouver traffic.

Podcasting is an excellent way to expand on topics where most popular mediums do not. In the age of thirty-second soundbites, three-second Twitter videos and timed responses in debates, we are developing the attention spans of goldfish. What if we want to delve deeper, know the ins and outs of the 1953 Stanley Park murders, but crave the animated voices and sound design elements that a book cannot provide? Enter the glorious podcast. Learn how make yours stand out with the VanPodFest. Purchase tickets online here. Prices are very reasonable and student discounts are available.

#vanpodfest #canadianpodcasts #podcasting

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