This is How We Jew It: The Chutzpuah! Festival

A Jewish cultural festival is coming to Vancouver between November 21st and 28th. The 19th annual Chutzpah! Festival: The Lisa Nemetz Festival of International Jewish Performing Arts will feature amazing international dance performances, music, theatre and comedy. This festival is a part of the Vancouver West Side Theatre Society.

Check out last year’s promo.

Jews often ask amongst themselves, Who is a Jew? Someone who practices the Jewish faith, with all its ancient traditions and values, or simply someone with Jewish heritage? The answer is both. One can be religiously or ancestrally Jewish, or both. The term “Jewish” to most North Americans is a religion, while to most Europeans, it is an ethnicity. While the concept of linking a religion to ethnicity leaves some dubious, keep in mind that we are a relatively small population that married within the faith for centuries. Thus, the religion, over time, has taken on characteristics of an ethnicity, not unlike Amish communities. While I don’t practice the religion, I am proud to be a part of this vibrant culture. That makes me Jewish.

Most Jewish people in Vancouver, like myself, are Ashkenazi Jews, meaning their ancestors are from Central and Eastern Europe. Many Ashkenazi Jews made their way in the performing arts after emigrating to Canada and United States; music, dance and theatre have long been important aspects of this culture marred by historical oppression hardship. The Chutzpah! Festival will feature Jewish performers from many different cultural backgrounds.

Performances at will be told through the lived experiences of Jewish people, which represent a small but significant minority in the city. Recent estimates say there are just over 25,000 of us in Vancouver. The Chutzpah! Festival gives you the opportunity to observe the cultural richness and diversity within the Jewish community. Some performances are more contemporary, others more traditional. The Jewish diaspora is widespread, spanning throughout the Americas, Europe, the Middle East, North Africa and East Asia. Witnessing this diversity is crucial in the path toward breaking cultural barriers.

Select from an array of events and purchase tickets here. Many events are streamed online, and a few are live.

#jewishvancouver #vancouverarts #chutzpahfestival

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