Local Hispanic Grocery Store Voices Concern About the Second Wave of the Pandemic

This year has been a difficult year for many local shops. The pandemic has caused many losses and many store closures. The second wave is upon us and many store owners are expressing deep concern. One of the local Burnaby Hispanic specialty stores that have been running for over 20 years is worried whether or not her store will survive. The store owner of Pacific Sun Produce, Susan Fung, speaks out about the issues she is facing, “We change the system totally. We tried different ways to keep the business running. We loss a lot of customers, we lost more than 50% of the business. If we don’t have enough business, we need to close, we can’t keep run the store if no business.”

(@Pacific Sun Produce / Facebook)

Fung continues to think of different ways to continue running her store, and to this end, she has implemented delivery and in-store pickup. This is an effort to help customers who are immunocompromised and require assistance. The store has also implemented safety measures to ensure her and her customers’ safety. Her hope is to continue running the store and to make it through the pandemic with as little loss as possible. Fung also mentions that she appreciates all the support she has received during the pandemic.

Delivery service map around Burnaby Area (@Pacific Sun Produce / Facebook)

Many local shops are experiencing the same thing as Fung right now. Small stores and restaurants are closing down due to low turnouts, making it hard to keep up with operating costs. It’s important to continue to think about shopping with local businesses on your next trip to the grocery store. Take the time to take a look at your neighbourhood and support the small businesses that need your help, as this helps make our communities stronger and more stable.

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