BCIT’s Natural Health and Food Products Research Group (NRG) is collaborating with the Baking and Pastry Arts Department at VCC to better understand the use of sourdough fermentation relating to gluten reduction in wheat bread.
Gluten-phobia is one of the latest diet fads with major grocery stores dedicating entire sections to gluten-free food products. It is probable that modern wheat flours and current bread-making technology have made gluten digestion more difficult but there is little evidence in the health benefits to those voluntarily adopting gluten free diet. The real beneficiaries of this expansion have been those with celiac disease and gluten related sensitivities.
The project is funded through BCIT’s Institute Research Funds and titled “Sourdough Fermentation for Gluten Degradation: Development and Quality Evaluation of Whole Grain Wheat Sourdough Bread for Individuals with Gluten Sensitivities”. NRG will investigate the gluten reduction abilities of artisan sourdough bread production, with the hopes to determine the optimal fermentation parameters for wheat breads which can be consumed by those with gluten sensitivities.
I’m studying holistic nutrition and I’m very interested in this study for future clients and celiac or gluten sensitive case study volunteers that I’m currently working with. Let me know if it would be possible to get the results.
Hi Kristina,
for more information on this project, you may email research@bcit.ca .