– To illustrate the discharge from a large induction coil.
- Jacob’s ladder
The air between the two electrodes of the apparatus becomes ionized at the point nearest each other, allowing current flow and air heating. The conducting spark will then travel up the wire pair due to heating, until a point is reached where the tapered spacing is too great to sustain the spark and the spark extinguishes. At that time, a new arc is struck at the closest-spaced location. The sequence repeats.
– Dangerous potentials exist between the two vertical conductors. (Instructor use only)
– If you see an arc at the nearest gap between the electrodes, wait for a few seconds (5~10 seconds) for the air to heat up and then the arc will move up the ladder by itself or by a little nudge on the base of the .
– The moving arc will only last for a few rounds (~10 rounds). Turn off and on the switch to restart the process again.
– Please turn off the power when not in use.