Land acknowledgements: What is the meaning and why do it?

Land acknowledgement

Land acknowledgements are offered to acknowledge the Indigenous land that you are on. They have been happening for a long time across Canada but are heard more frequently since 2015. It has been happening before sports games begin or even before events and meetings in post-secondary schools. Many Nations used to do them all the … Read more

National Indigenous Peoples Day: What is the meaning of the day

National Indigenous Peoples Day

National Indigenous Peoples Day, occurring on June 21, is a day to celebrate culture, hear traditional songs from different Nations, and also learn about the history of Indigenous peoples. It was first celebrated in 1996 and since then, more events happen on this day across Canada. It gives a chance for Indigenous people to be … Read more

An Indigenous singer-songwriter moves away from a small community to chase her dreams

BCIT Broadcast Online Journalism documentary showcase

On April 12, second year students in BCIT Broadcast and Online Journalism program had a documentary showcase, and there was a documentary produced by Kobie Smith, Ugiloy Suvonova, and Chris Koo that featured Indigenous singer-songwriter Hayley Wallis. Hayley Wallis is from Kitasoo/ Xais’Xais Nation also known as Klemtu BC, a small remote reserve located in … Read more