The impact of artificial intelligence on BC’s workforce in 2024

Aaron Hunter
Dr. Aaron Hunter, Mastercard Chair in Digital Trust at BCIT, is on Global News to discuss the impact of AI on BC’s workforce.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is expected to play a big role in how businesses operate. According to the Labour Market Outlook 2023 report, professional, scientific, and technical services industries will continue to grow rapidly in the next decade, with over 120,000 job openings in Computer systems design and related services.

Despite the initial concerns of AI adoption in the workforce, many jobs are expected to be created as AI technologies boost economic growth and labour productivity. Investing in in-demand skills for job opportunities created as a result of these technological advances have never been more crucial.

WATCH: Dr. Aaron Hunter, Mastercard Chair in Digital Trust at BCIT, on Global News to discuss the impact of AI on BC’s workforce in 2024.

“AI will become a tool that allows people to be better at their jobs,” explained Dr. Aaron Hunter. “It’s an essential skill for most people at this point.”

When asked how AI will impact the education sector in particular, Dr. Aaron Hunter says, “We have to teach the basic skills and at later stages in their education teach [them] how to use the AI tools to supplement their basic skills.”

Integrating AI in the workplace

BCIT has been delivering flexible, relevant, and future-proof education that prepares learners to provide applied solutions to industry challenges for more than 50 years. The Institute has been leading the charge, alongside industry and government, to build a resilient workforce that strategically embraces AI.

As the largest provincial provider of computing courses and applied diploma graduates, BCIT plays a significant role in supporting high tech business in BC. From collaborating with YVR on a hackathon that challenges students to using AI in solving maintenance-related challenges at the airport, and hosting a showcase for students to leverage AI in advancing digital solutions for underrepresented communities, these are only some of the innovative ways in which BCIT is supporting a skilled community of students, faculty, researchers, and industry in integrating AI to solve challenges in the workforce.

Interested in a career that involves AI?

Start by exploring the BCIT Computer System Technology diploma program or the BCIT Business Information Technology Management – Artificial Intelligence Management Option program.

2 thoughts on “The impact of artificial intelligence on BC’s workforce in 2024”

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    By Regards
    Glayol Modabber


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