BCIT Mining Engineering students scoop multiple awards at the 2023 Canadian Mining Games

Earlier this year, 16 BCIT Mining Engineering students participated in the 2023 Canadian Mining Games. For 33 years, the Games have given students across Canada the opportunity to showcase their mining knowledge and engage in problem-solving challenges with their peers. This year, 11 Canadian schools joined the 3-day long competition, where they went head-to-head in a total of 24 events. Congratulations to BCIT students who won second place in the overall category, and to Katie Gamble for winning the Most Valuable Player (MVP) award.

In addition to applying their skills, students got the chance to meet with industry leaders to expand their network in the mining field. Teck Resources Limited, Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum, and Suncor, were among the sponsors who evaluated and awarded our students on their performance at the Games. As a cornerstone industry of many communities throughout BC and Canada, forging these relationships are an important part of our students’ journey in building their careers.

Thank you to the University of British Columbia (UBC) for jointly hosting this year’s Canadian Mining Games alongside BCIT.

Learn more about the BCIT Mineral Exploration and Mining program.

Congratulations to all BCIT students who placed in the top three for 11 out of the 24 events at the 2023 Canadian Mining Games:

1st Place:

  • Health and Safety Category – Katie Gamble and Sebastian Torres
  • Mine Rescue Category – Katie Gamble, Holly Marr, Oola Patel, Nelson Lau, Marcus Deca
  • Stock Market Challenge – Marcus Paiero and Lamiah Wardak

2nd Place:

  • Open Pit Mine Design Category – Marcus Paiero, Lamiah Wardak, Frank Dodds, and Don Wang
  • Mineral ID Category – Kate Viger
  • CAD Challenge – Lamiah Wardak and Fazal Ahmed
  • Mystery Event #2 – The BCIT Mineral Exploration and Mining Technology team

3rd Place:

  • Mineral Economics Category – Katie Gamble and Fazal Ahmed
  • Jackleg Category – Fabricio Barrionuevo and Sebastian Torres
  • Rock Mechanics Category – Don Wang and Frank Dodds
  • Exam Package – The BCIT Mineral Exploration and Mining Technology team

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