Join BCIT in Celebrating the first Guichon Creek Day

BCIT will celebrate the first ever Guichon Creek Day on Wednesday September 21. The celebration of one of the most unique natural features of Burnaby Campus will be part of the recognition of World Rivers Day (September 25).

Guichon Creek is one of the most significant tributaries of Still Creek and runs directly through BCIT’s Burnaby campus.

For many years the creek was dammed, urbanized and partially culverted. However, between the 1970’s and 2006, a large section of the creek was restored to a natural state. The new Trades and Technology Complex includes plans to ‘daylight’ the rest of Guichon Creek to make the entire stream navigable for salmon and trout.

Guichon Creek day begins at 12:30pm with a Welcome Ceremony. There are a host of free events to enjoy.

Mark Angelo, founder of World Rivers Day, and author of ‘The Little Creek That Could’ will be taking an interpretative tour of Guichon Creek. There will be an opportunity to take part in planting and restoration work along the banks of the Creek, or to relax and reflect with a guided Nature Meditation. Alternatively, you can enjoy a Wellness Walking Break exploring the trails around the creek.

If you aren’t able to attend the events, the team have developed a trail map for Guichon Creek, so visitors can enjoy the area at any time.

Caroline Dépatie, Associate Dean in School of Construction and the Environment and organiser of the event comments: “We’re excited to celebrate this wonderful part of BCIT’s campus. In the last 20 years large sections of the creek have been transformed into a flourishing aquatic ecosystem, thanks in great part to BCIT students, faculty and staff.

However, this event is also a good opportunity to remember that riverside areas like Guichon Creek are precious. World Rivers Day highlights that these are some of the richest and most threatened habitats across the world.

One of the reasons we developed a trail map for the creek was because we want faculty, staff, students, and community members to visit the creek, and understand and appreciate the wonderful diversity and value of this urban habitat.”

Adam Dickinson BCIT’s Manager of Transportation and Grounds adds: “The restoration of Guichon Creek is one of the priorities of our Landscaping team, and that includes work to remove invasive species, enhance habitat areas, and help pollinators to thrive.

We’ve placed signage around the trails with more information about the restoration work and to help the community identify common plants and animals they may come across. We are so fortunate to have Guichon Creek and available riparian green space within our campus grounds. These creek banks provide perfect habitat for songbirds and insects. They are also a haven for native plants like red-osier dogwood, willow, and nootka rose.”

 More information

Guichon Creek Day – BCIT

More information about Guichon Creek (includes a trail map)

Guichon Creek – BCIT

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