BCIT International and Aerospace deliver customized training for visiting students from Taiwan

For nearly 60 years, BCIT has been instrumental in connecting education, industry, and government in support of building an agile workforce with sustained and meaningful impact. The demonstrated success saw an increasing demand for BCIT to bring its industry-focused and applied education model to organizations worldwide. This summer, BCIT International and the School of Transportation welcomed 14 students from National Formosa University to complete the International Aerospace Summer program in Aircraft Maintenance Engineering and Airport Operations Management taught at the BCIT Aerospace Technology Campus in Richmond, BC.

National Formosa University students gain global perspective through their studies at BCIT.

The BCIT International Aerospace Summer program was established more than a decade ago and normally sees two cohorts of about 32 students from National Formosa University every summer. Due to COVID-19 safety guidelines and regulations, the annual program is temporarily reduced to one cohort. Students have travelled from Taiwan to learn in the state-of-art 40,000 square-foot hangar and from BCIT instructors who are industry experts in the field of aircraft maintenance and airport operations. Successful completion of the program not only provides students with course credit recognition from their home university, but also a global perspective and practical skills to share with their peers and the aviation workforce in Taiwan.

At the end of this 4-week program, BCIT organized a celebration that recognized students in successfully completing the courses, and many with as high marks as 99%.

Students from Taiwan learn from BCIT instructors who are industry experts.

“With international partnerships spanning across more than 200 organizations worldwide, BCIT has established a strong reputation in Asian, including Taiwan, for delivering an applied education that supports building an agile workforce,” said Dr. Lawrence Gu, Dean, BCIT International. “This partnership with National Formosa University amplifies the strength of BCIT in lending our expertise to advance the economic and social prosperity of communities in Canada and beyond.”

“This international program has enhanced the friendship of people between Taiwan and Canada,” explained Lihsin Angel Liu, Director General, Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Vancouver. “It has also increased practical competencies of Taiwanese students in their employability after graduation from National Formosa University because of their hands-on training experience acquired in the BCIT International Aerospace Summer program.”

Dr. Sanja Boskovic, Associate Dean, BCIT Aerospace, visited National Formosa University before the COVID-19 pandemic. She spoke highly of her experience to the University and shared, “This partnership mutually benefits faculty and students mobility by providing them an enriched international teaching and learning experience.”

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BCIT is one of Canada’s largest post-secondary aerospace trainers with a 300,000 square-foot Aerospace Technology Campus that houses a fleet of over 20 aircrafts. Accredited programs include aircraft maintenance, and commercial pilot training in both fixed wing aircraft and helicopters. Graduates from BCIT Aerospace programs are job-ready to work in careers such as Aircraft Maintenance Engineers (avionics and maintenance), Gas Turbine and Jet Engine Technicians, Airport Operation Specialists, and Commercial Pilots.

Research, specialized training, and partnership opportunities are available for industry, government, and post-secondary schools worldwide. Learn more about ways to work with BCIT on an international collaboration.

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