What you need to know when coming to campus: BCIT checklist for Fall 2022

BCIT is pleased to continue in-person learning and teaching at our campuses in Fall 2022, consistent with current the Provincial Health Officer and BC Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC) guidelines. Whether you’re coming to campus for the first time, or have already been back, we welcome you this September! 

Below is a reminder of the ongoing COVID-19 guidelines that BCIT has in place to support our community, as well as some of the things you need to know before coming to campus in Fall 2022. 

The most important thing you can do to keep yourself and your community protected is to get fully vaccinated, perform a daily self-assessment (health check), and stay home if you feel unwell. 

Before you arrive on campus:

What to do if you suspect you have COVID-19, have tested positive, or are a close contact of someone who has tested positive: 

Reporting to Early Assist:

When a student is unwell or has tested positive for COVID-19 and needs assistance with academic accommodations, the student or instructor are encouraged to submit an Early Assist referral. 

Students who are unwell or test positive are also welcome to contact Early Assist if they are looking for general support, resources, or referrals.  

COVID-19 prevention tips:

Precautionary measures to avoid transmission of COVID-19 are similar to measures to prevent cold and flu. For specific questions related to self-isolation or COVID-19 please call 8-1-1 or visit the BCCDC website. Ensure you are also complying with any province-wide restrictions set out by the Public Health Officer to prevent the spread of COVID-19. 

  • Stay home when you are ill and avoid close contact with others. You may decide to use a Rapid Antigen Test to assess if you have COVID-19 but even if the test result is negative, you should stay home if you have symptoms. 
  • Wash your hands frequently for at least 20 seconds using soap and water. If a sink is not available, 60-90% alcohol-based hand rubs (hand sanitizer) can be used if your hands are not visibly soiled. If they are visibly soiled, you can use an alcohol-based disposable hand wipe to remove the dirt and then use an alcohol-based hand rub. 
  • Do not touch your face/eyes/mouth with unwashed hands. When you sneeze or cough, cover your mouth and nose with a disposable tissue or the crease of your elbow, and then wash your hands. 

Masks and vaccines on campus:

Masks are optional for people in all indoor public settings, including all indoor spaces at BCIT, and individuals may choose to wear them as a personal choice. We expect everyone in the BCIT community to respect each other’s choices and comfort levels. While no proof of vaccination is required to access on campus spaces, we encourage everyone to get vaccinated. 

Safety and wellness:

For the latest information on the BCIT COVID-19 response, please continue to check the BCIT COVID-19 webpage. We continue to provide updates to the website as additional information becomes available and will post to our Breaking News page as necessary. 

Stay safe and well. 


Glen Magel

Senior Director, Safety, Security and Emergency Management 

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