Office Administrator with Technology program: Making a career (switch) within 5 months

Are you looking to quickly upskill to make a career switch, re-enter the workforce or simply trying to find a job, but don’t have the means to invest multiple years of your time? The BCIT Office Administrator with Technology (OAT) program is designed to equip students with job-ready skills in as short as five months.

“Many of our students are making a career change,” says Lorraine Fentie, OAT Program Head. “We see that the pandemic accelerated existing trends in remote work, e-commerce, and automation, with a significant number of workers needing to change occupations.”

“The program also receives students not working in their field of study. They hold BA’s and MA’s in English, Philosophy, Arts and Music and the OAT program opens new opportunities for them to work in an administrative role.”

The hands-on program is designed to provide you with the computer and business skills required by administrative positions today. It is ideal for individuals who do not have previous education or background in computing.

Not yet convinced? Below you can read about the experiences of four of our (recent) grads.

Laura Schubert, BC Court Registry Agent
“After losing my job in 2020 during the Covid-19 pandemic, I experienced great difficulty in scheduling job interviews in my field, home furnishings. Many retailers had moved online, and showrooms were downsizing their staff.

I knew it was time to make a career change, but at 50, I was uncertain about my direction and options. I needed to update my skills, and after a few months of job market research, I decided on BCIT’s OAT program. The relatively short duration would have me back in the workforce sooner than some of the other programs I had looked into, and the online platform offered at the time was convenient and safe.

The program was challenging but enjoyable. I felt supported by the instructors and fellow students and was surprised by what I was able to learn and accomplish after such a long absence from school. The wide range of courses allowed me to obtain a good working knowledge of some of the many different office-based positions I could pursue.

Within a month of completing the practicum, I was offered and accepted my first full-time office position, which I still hold.”

Karen Galang, Office Administrative Assistant, New Point Property Management
“Enrolling in the OAT program is indisputably one of the best decisions I’ve ever made! After 11 years of being a stay-at-home parent, I decided to upgrade my office administration skills.

OAT Provided me with new expertise and confidence that I needed to enter the workforce again. As employers distinguish BCIT OAT alumni as highly skilled professionals, I was hired instantaneously after finishing the program.”

Preeti Subramanian, Talent Acquisition Coordinator, Translink
“My goal was to enter the workforce, and with hard work, tunnel vision, great support and amazing classmates, I graduated from OAT.

This program helped me develop the organizational and technical skills required in the future. I appreciated that the instructors were friendly and supportive and always helped all students.

I would highly recommend this course to anyone seeking a rewarding career with abundant opportunities.”

Veronica Jacobsohn, HR Analyst, Providence Health Care
“The OAT program helped me build a stronger foundation of the skills that I needed. Delivered as a hands-on program, the business and computer skills that I learned were easily incorporated into my new job.

It was an incredible all-around experience, and I am very grateful for all the support and encouragement that I received from the amazing instructors before, during, and after the program.

OAT prepared me for the future, not only with the academics I learned, but it has given me the confidence I need to succeed in my new life in Canada.”

2 thoughts on “Office Administrator with Technology program: Making a career (switch) within 5 months”

  1. I am Pranita Das. I am from India. I am a newcomer in Canada and looking for a job. I am looking for a Canadian education and I came to know about the OAT program. The content of this program is exciting to me. I am interested in knowing more about this program.


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