BCIT alumnus-turned-instructor supports students in innovative ideas

After more than two decades in supporting students in thinking outside-the-box and turning their sustainability innovations into reality, BCIT School of Construction and the Environment alumnus Donald Yen is contributing $15,000 to award student winners over the next three years to support the BCIT Student Innovation Challenge.

2021 Zoom Awards Ceremony Top L-R Kim Dotto, Dean Applied Research, Kathy Kinloch, BCIT President Bottom L-R Donald Yen, student, Amanzhan Duisek

Donald Yen served as an instructor, program developer, and research collaborator before deciding to join the many generous and inspirational donors from industry and community who are supporting the educational journey of our learners.

“I started off as a BCIT student, and have mentored many students over my 16 years of teaching,” says Donald Yen, Architect, Urban Solutions Architecture Ltd. “I am excited to see BCIT inspire students to realize they can be the difference. The Student Innovation Challenge is a reminder to BCIT students that, anyone can make a difference and be the difference. These awards encourage students to be the difference.”

The BCIT Student Innovation Challenge helps to create an inclusive space for innovation and encourages students to turn their bright ideas into business plans and prototypes, which may eventually be commercialized. For the 2022 challenge, $20,000 of prize money will be awarded, within 3 categories of entrepreneurship, applied research, and now sustainability.

“Thanks to Donald Yen’s kind donation, we are thrilled to include a Sustainability category to our annual BCIT Student Innovation Challenge,” says Dr. Kim Dotto, Dean, Applied Research and Centre for Applied Research and Innovation. “This will provide funds and support to our students to think about innovative ways to help the environment that might just one day change the world”.

About BCIT Student Innovation Challenge

The BCIT Student Innovation Challenge is an annual contest aimed at providing support and funding to BCIT students who have “bright ideas”. The goal of the Challenge is to create an inclusive space for innovation, encouraging students to turn their bright ideas into prototypes, business plans, or commercial products.

Learn more about the BCIT Student Innovation Challenge.

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