Be that person: Ask about your recycling

Maria Bushmin is a second year Marketing student who successfully landed a summer job and has continued to work part-time this Fall with the Smart Microgrid Applied Research Team at the Centre of Applied Research and Innovation (CARI).

Maria Bushmin SMART Student Researcher presenting at BCIT Literacy Week in the Summit Centre.

Working with Joey Dabell, Applied Research SMART Project Leader, applied research IRF Funded project which attempts to answer the question of what a motivated, responsible individual can do to reduce his or her own carbon footprint.

During Maria’s work with the first phase of this research project, she was asked to speak at numerous events, including Literacy week in the BCIT Summit Centre and at Ecocity World Summit 2019 with an academic poster.

Be that person and be the thorn

Joey Dabell, BCIT SMART Project Leader, and Maria Bushmin SMART Student Researcher.

The thorn is in reference to a story Maria tells in her presentation.

SEE MORE: Where does your recycling go?

In 2004, a BC woman who was passionate about getting a recycling program into her area where she lived inserted herself into every city board meeting in 2008 demanding a regional recycling program.  In 2008, she was given an award after the regional district successfully implemented a recycling program.  This woman was the “thorn”.

It starts from the bottom, individuals are the ones who will make the difference,” says Maria. “This research showcases that any single individual is capable of doing their part in researching and finding alternatives for their own lifestyles. The more people who ask where their recycling goes, the louder the problem becomes.”

Maria Bushmin challenges everyone to be “that person” and be “that thorn”.

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