Have you ever had technical issues with a projector or computer laptop when you are about to present your individual or group project? Or need equipment that are just too expensive for a one time use? Such as an incompatible HDMI plug or no signal and an expensive DSLR camera.
Luckily, BCIT’s Audio Visual Services provides students with a variety of audiovisual equipment and related services for both instructional and administrative purposes.
Physically located in both the Burnaby (SE12-104) and Downtown campuses (Downtown Campus Room 252), the Audio Visual department also provides all of its services to ATC, BMC, AIC and other satellite locations through Operations Managers, Chief Instructors or Tool Room Attendants.
Through the Audio Visual Services website students can look through the different equipment, services and support it offers. Such as the following:
- Circulation of loaned AV equipment for both students, and instructors and staff
- Help desk for AV equipment issues
- Assistance with equipment setup
- Service, maintenance and installation of Institute AV equipment
- Product recommendations, evaluations, and purchase
- Refreshing of installed and circulating AV equipment
- Other services such as staging of special events
Not only are all these resources free, but they provide you with excellent advice and demonstrations on your use of equipment for different projects and assignments.
For more information on these services, check out the Audio Visual Services website and its frequently asked questions.