Goodbye 2017, hello 2018

If you had told me last year that I would have completed my first term at BCIT in the Sonography Program, I wouldn’t have believed it. This year I volunteered, went on a trip to Europe, spent time with family and friends, worked at BC Cancer and had an interview for the Sonography Program. I interviewed in February and was accepted into the program in April. There was lots of excitement this year.

Now that the year is coming to an end here are some of the things I did since starting school in September.

School Life

This is my class schedule and a week in the life of a Sonography student:

Schedule and Week in a Life of a DMS student.

As you can see, we had labs twice a week for General and Cardiac. I made sure to sign up for practices outside of lab time, they recommend you practice at least 4 hours extra a week.

Brush it off Paint Night

This event is hosted by BCIT at the Habitat, keep your eyes open for them. You can check it out here: Brush it off. You can eat dinner, have drinks and paint. I went with some of my classmates, it was a great social event.

Halloween party

Our instructors hosted an awesome Halloween Party. We got to mingle, have snacks, and dress up for a costume contest. A group of us dressed in green; we were bilirubin riding the albumin bus on our way to the liver.

A mini-vacation

When midterms finished, I took a break from studying to recharge and went to the Oregon Coast. It was an amazing trip, with great weather and best of all was very relaxing.

I believe in having a balance between school and enjoying what you love and would recommend that if there is something that interests you, continue to do it! Taking breaks helps to prevent burn-outs and improves productivity. Overall, I believe it is healthy for the body, mind, and soul.

I cannot wait to see what the New Year has to bring. Happy New Year Everyone!

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