Computing science students to talk about research, jobs, and women

For the first time, the Canadian Undergraduate Computer Science Conference (CUCSC) will be held in the lower mainland, at the BCIT Burnaby Campus.

The annual conference offers a rare opportunity for computing science undergrads to present their own topics to peers, network, and hear from industry heavy-hitters.

Slated keynote speakers represent Google, Telus, Microsoft, MDA, and BCIT. The BCIT faculty members will present their own research, a nod to this year’s theme of Applied Research.

Brenda Gershkovitch, Co-Founder of Silicon Sisters Interactive Inc., walks with students Dana Klamut and Abby Arnold.

Students who wish to address the conference themselves can apply to present until May 15th.

“We encourage any students with a topic of interest to speak at the conference,” says Nav Bhatti, the Chair of Computing & Academic Studies for the BCIT Student Association. “Doing so will give you the opportunity to apply for a bursary and attend the conference for free,” he adds.

BCIT Students who don’t receive a bursary will still catch a break. The Computing Department has pledged $2500 to subsidize the cost—BCIT students will only pay $40 for the entire event, including food, instead of the advertised $90.

“Attending the CUCSC last year got me very excited about computing,” says Bhatti, who has organized the conference.

“I was able to network with speakers, as well as peers from across the country who shared my excitement,” he says. “In bringing it to BCIT, I hope to give other students the same opportunity to expand their horizons and their network, as well as help them further their own careers.”

Some of the attendees of CUCSC 2105, including BCIT student Rav Bhatti.

The conference—running from June 22 through 25th—includes two distinct events. The Women In Computer Science Dinner will include a Q&A panel about women in the male-dominated Computer Science industry. The second event is a Career Fair which will include the companies represented by the keynote speakers, along with other local employers. It promises to be an extraordinary networking opportunity for students.

The event is hosted by BCIT and the BCIT Student Association. Information and updates can be found at the event’s Facebook page. To register, visit the website.

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