Student opportunity: work on the Google Lunar XPRIZE

Photo: Alexei and Sergei Dobrianski explain the comms system to Garrett Gustafson, a recent mechanical engineering grad and propulsion consultant.

Attention BCIT Marketing students: you could help Canada re-join the space race.

There is only one Canadian team in the running for the Google Lunar XPRIZE, and it’s working out of the BCIT Applied Research facility.

Join BCIT alum, Sergei Dobrianski, his father, Alex, and the rest of the the Plan B team as they reach for the moon.

I’d like to present a great opportunity to a marketing student at BCIT,” Sergei announced this week. “We are looking for a talented marketing individual to join our team. We are looking for hands-on support in our Google Lunar XPRIZE project. The student’s immediate focus will be put towards a kickstarter campaign, helping to ensure the success of our project.”

The lucky student (or, possibly students) will also get to work with professional marketing experts in the BCIT Marketing and Communications department. They will learn how to execute a large-scale crowd-funding campaign, from conception through completion.

Sergei and Alexei Dobrianski test their communications system.

“We are behind Sergei and his team 100%,” says BCIT Digital Marketing and Communications Manager, Ryan Whyte. “We’ll be working closely with their student interns to help drive strategy and leverage our team’s professional expertise and experience to ensure whoever fills this role is successful in helping Sergei’s team raise the capital they’ll need to win the Lunar X Prize.”

Ryan is no stranger to Kickstarter campaigns.

“I’ve run a successful crowd funding campaign myself in the past and know what it takes to be successful in this arena, so I’ll personally be working closely with the student(s) selected to provide guidance and mentorship, but I’m also tremendously excited for the new ideas our students will bring to the table.”

Another successful BCIT grad, Katie Klumper, recently offered some advice to marketing students. In another Update article, the President or KBS New York said, “We look at the extra-curriculars they do.  What are different internships they’ve taken on? What are the extra things that they personally have an interest in? What are their different experiences? So, I would say, just try to consume as much life as possible, because [in marketing] you’re working with so many different clients and businesses that bringing that experience comes in more ways than just education.”

So, grab some extra-curricular (and extraterrestrial) experience right here, on the Burnaby Campus.

If you are please send your resume along with a brief explanation of why you’d like to join the team.

Applications can be sent to

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