BCIT students stream in from all over the world

International students meet one another at orientation.

It’s the first week of classes, an exciting time on all five BCIT campuses. For some of our new students, the fun started last week.  On September 1, hundreds of international students came to the Burnaby Campus to learn about their new school.

The newcomers — some of whom arrived in Canada the night before — were greeted by Tom Roemer, Vice President, Academic. Fluent in four languages, Tom decided the best way to make as many people as possible feel welcome was to welcome them in as many languages as possible.

He did it in seven: French, German, Portuguese, Spanish, Greek, Mandarin, and Japanese.

He then let them know a little about what to expect.

“The training that we do leads to good employment opportunities, both here and in your home country,” he assured them. “[So,] when you get to that point when you’re sweating over your books, know that it will pay off.”

Michael Galli, the Manager of International Recruitment and Admissions, told the crowd he’s excited about the group. “What impresses me so much about international students,” he said, “is your courage and determination.”

BCIT Student Association event manager, Trina Prince, ensures the students are well-fed.
BCIT Student Association event manager, Trina Prince, ensures the students are well-fed.

He went on to assure them they’d have a great experience at BCIT, assuring them BCIT wants them all to succeed.

It was a sentiment echoed by Bill Dow, the Associate Vice President of Student Services. He spoke of the many student services available at BCIT. He also noted, with pride, that more than ninety countries are represented in the community.

BCIT Student Association President, Matthew May, encouraged his fellow students to find something other than academics to get involved in. “Don’t study all the time,” he advised. “Health and wellness are very important.”

Another important aspect of BCIT life is our connection to the Indigenous communities. Joanne Stone-Campbell, the Coordinator of the Aboriginal Services, welcomed all the students to come talk to the elders, to join in a sweat lodge ceremony, or just come for a tea or coffee at the Aboriginal Gathering Place.

You can see more photos from the day below, and here.

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Please note that all international students must have a student visa and valid health insurance. If you have any questions, contact the International Student Centre for help.

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