The green conversation with BCIT: GVHBA Builders’ Breakfast Series

As a sponsor of the Greater Vancouver Home Builders’​ Association (GVHBA) Builders’ Breakfast Series, the BCIT School of Construction and the Environment (SOCE) led an informative session on topics related to constructing high performance buildings and new green strategies in construction. BCIT speakers for this session included Alexandre Hebert, Manager, Zero Energy Buildings, Dr. Christine Thuring, Faculty, Centre for Architectural Ecologyand Shaun St-Amour, Zero Energy Buildings. 

BCIT on green building strategies
The BCIT School of Construction and the Environment (SOCE) led an informative session on topics related to constructing high performance buildings and new green strategies in construction.

Every month, GVHBA, (new name will be Homebuilders Association Vancouver (HAVAN) in February 2019), delivers leading-edge building science sessions led by industry experts, valuable networking opportunities, and non-exam-based courses that earn members the required BC Housing Continuing Professional Development (CPD) credits.  In a series of early morning presentations, members learn how to build better homes and ultimately, better businesses.

Special thanks to GVHBA’s Wendy McNeil, Vanessa Swanson and Justine Nadia along with BCIT’s Marita Luk for a successful event to facilitate discussions in building sustainable infrastructure.

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