Celebrating BCIT Spring 2024 Convocation valedictorians

For nearly 60 years, the British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT) prepares learners to provide applied solutions to industry challenges. We celebrate our graduating BCIT students with confidence in the flexible, relevant, and future-proof education has been the hallmark of the Institute for the past 60 years. 

BCIT is excited to announce Alina Malik, Sidrah Umar, Kobie Smith, Charlene Steeves, and Alejandra Loaiza Granda as Valedictorians for the graduating class of Spring 2024. 

Ceremony 1 (Tuesday, June 25 at 9:00 am): Alina Malik 

Alina Malik is graduating from the Human Resources Management diploma program. As a student and team leader in her cohort, she strives to create a safe, intellectual, and vibrant learning environment for all her fellow students. A proactive and engaged learner beyond the classroom, Alina is also a BCIT student representative for BCIT’s Big Info and CPHR events. She received the Urban Development Institute Development Industry award.  

Ceremony 2 (Tuesday, June 25 at 1:30pm): Sidrah Umar 

Sidrah Umar is graduating from the Marketing Managment diploma program. With a background in biology, her passion for learning is evident in her outstanding academic performance. She displays strong leadership skills as a Set Representative by helping her cohort learn and engage in her program. Sidrah regularly engages in the BCIT community by volunteering as a BCIT Big Info host and supporting industry tours. 

Ceremony 3 (Wednesday, June 26 at 9:00am): Kobie Smith 

Kobie Smith is Hereditary Chief, Hemajalas of the Salmon Clan from the Haisla Nation. He is graduating from the Broadcast and Journalism diploma program. During his time at BCIT, Kobie supported other BCIT Indigenous students as an Indigenous Student Champion and has been involved in multiple events as a mentor and guest speaker. He was on the BCIT Student Association as an Indigenous council member and currently sits on the Equity and Sustainability Committee.  

Ceremony 4 (Wednesday, June 26 at 1:30pm): Charlene Steeves 

With a background in zoology, Charlene Steeves pivoted into the field of healthcare through the Bachelor of Science in Nursing program. Graduating with a specialization in neonatal nursing, she demonstrates strong academic rigour while navigating the healthcare field as a nursing student. As a strong supporter and advocate for her peers and patients, she showcased strong, confident, and compassionate leadership through her role as a student representative for her nursing cohort and as Chair of the School of Health Sciences with the BCIT Student Assocation.     

Ceremony 5 (Thursday, June 27 at 9:00am): Alejandra Loaiza Granda 

Alejandra holds the highest GPA to date in the last 16 years within the Architectural and Building Technology diploma program. Despite a rigorous academic schedule and full course load, Alejandra is actively involved with the BCIT community by serving as a cohort representative, supporting fellow students as a Peer Tutor, and participating in programs like the BCIT Next initiative. Her peers and instructors admire her passion for architecture and building technology and often seek her assistance and advice.  

Livestreams of all Spring 2024 convocation ceremonies will be available online. Watch the Spring 2024 convocations here. 

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