Vancouver has become a global game development hub, hosting over 40 video game companies, ranging from industry giants to independent developers. If you’re interested in creating immersive games, consider the BCIT Games Development Option within the Bachelor of Science of Applied Computer Science (BScACS), which gets you job-ready for the Gaming sector within two or four years, depending on your post-secondary education.
“Canada’s love for gaming is evident,” says faculty Jeffrey Yim. “The latest reports from Entertainment Software Association of Canada (ESAC) show that 53 percent of Canadians regularly engage in video games, dedicating an average of 7.9 hours per week to the world of interactive entertainment. The motivations behind gaming are diverse, but it’s mostly about seeking pure enjoyment and a way to unwind and relax.”
Economic impact: A multi-billion dollar contribution
The gaming industry also plays a significant role in bolstering Canada’s GDP. Here are some numbers from ESAC:
- The gaming sector contributed $5.5 billion in 2021, marking a 23 percent growth since 2019
- Video game companies in Canada directly employ 32,300 full-time jobs
- And a total of 55,300 full-time jobs if you also take the spin-off effects into account
- The province of BC has 161 out of the 937 video game companies in Canada, marking a 35 percent increase since 2019
The bright future of gaming
Looking ahead, the future of gaming in Canada appears promising. Jeffrey: “Technological advances in Virtual Reality (VR), eSports, and gaming platforms are creating new, more engaging ways for gamers to connect with communities. As the industry evolves, Vancouver is a beacon of creativity and innovation within this dynamic landscape.”
If you choose the Games Development Option, you’ll immediately create your own games. Here are four games developed by our newest BScACS students while participating in ‘Introduction to Computer Games Development’, as well as creators’ experiences and goals.
Games made by our BScACS students
Immunity Reborn

Created by: Chris Yan, Delaine Tan, and Norman Lim
Sneak peak:
What is the game about?
Norman: “Your character is reborn but has lost all memories. To get them back, you’ll have to journey through a dangerous place called the chamber of memories, where you will face off against hordes of enemies.”
Any highlights while creating the game?
“Coding the AI of all the enemies who would navigate towards the player after being detected, attacking relentlessly. It solidifies the player experience as an immovable bulwark if played correctly!”
Why did you choose the Games Development Option?
“I always had a keen interest in video games. Having some experience with Software Development, I was surprised to see how similar the coding was.”
Your first impression of the program so far?
“It’s great! However, it’s very busy, and time management and teamwork were crucial to our group’s success!”
What’s next after BCIT?
“For now, I want to focus on preparing myself for any gaming industry opportunities. Game Development is unique because it touches many areas of computing, including art, coding, and, most importantly, creative Game Design! It will be an exciting adventure.”
Last Blast

Created by: Nathan Dong, Sepehr Mansouri, Jeff Phan, Jugraj Chouhan, and Amin Jafarpour
Sneak Peak:
What is the game about?
Jeff: “Have a blast as you navigate through enemies and obstacles! Use cool powers like ‘bullet time’ to slow things down, making it easier to grasp the situation and grab power-ups to give yourself an edge in taking down the bad guys.”
Any highlights while creating the game?
Jeff: “I enjoyed the creative process of creating the game. Getting together with my teammates and working on creativity and design was one of the highlights, along with seeing individual parts come together to form a coherent game.”
Why did you choose the Games Development Option?
“I grew up playing video games, and I still do, so they’ve been a defining part of my life. I find it interesting to learn about the technical aspects of games I’ve been playing and never understood. Additionally, the tangible and visual aspects of game development and getting to see and interact with your creation is something I find refreshing, as it wasn’t touched on as heavily in the other software courses.”
Your first impression of the program so far?
The game option courses are busy and engaging, but luckily, the instructors are some of the best.
What’s next after BCIT?
“It would be a dream to work at the companies that developed some of my favourite games.”
Progress Dawn

Created by: Jun Earl Solomon, Dominic Triwiang, Faiz Hassany, Jasper Zhou, and Joseph Harris.
Sneak Peak:
What is the game about?
Jun: “It’s a cyberpunk-inspired single-player game set in a futuristic world where you get to be a sword-wielding mercenary. Your job is to challenge and take down enemies using your sword, skills, and intuition. Progress through each challenge and behold the dawn of a new world!”
Any highlights while creating the game?
“We had tons of fun ideating unique bosses, referencing some popular games like Elden Ring and Cyberpunk 2077. While implementation was challenging, we enjoyed bringing our ideas to life and onto our screens.”
Why did you choose the Games Development Option?
“Like most of my team members, because of our passion and love for gaming. We want to be able to one day develop games that are not only entertaining but also bring joy, leaving a positive impact on people’s lives.”
Your first impression of the program so far?
“It’s the perfect mix of challenge and creativity for me. Because of the creative freedom, it provides a unique environment to enhance your development skills.”
What’s next after BCIT?
“I aim to have a solid foothold in the industry and continue creating diverse games.”
Shadow Dancer

Created by: Jay Wang, Jaskaran Chahal, Parth Chaturvedi, Vinod Bandla, and Nicky Cheng
Sneak Peak:
What is the game about?
Parth: “Shadowdancer’s mission is to dodge zombies as you move through empty city streets and buildings. Your goal? Make it to the helipad for a safe escape.”
Any highlights while creating the game?
“Calculating how illuminated a point is from a light source is surprisingly simple high school math. We initially thought it would be the hardest feature to implement, but a simple Inverse Square Law and the rest is history.”
Why did you choose the Games Development Option?
“I was always keen to get into game development. Coming from a software development background, the gaming world feels unique compared to other subfields of software engineering. It goes beyond simple “domain-specific knowledge” and requires unique skills not seen elsewhere.”
What’s next after BCIT?
“Hopefully, I will work on my own indie game that I am passionate about.”
These games were made with the support of Soundsnap, by providing free licenses.