Anna Lary is a Master Electrician and Electrical faculty who has a passion for creating an inclusive, welcoming, and learning-focused environment for her students. Anna hosted the Equity in Electrical event as she wanted to showcase what can happen when students, alumni, faculty, and industry professionals come together to build connections – especially for underrepresented groups in their field. The event provided an opportunity for more than 60 women and gender-diverse electricians and industry representatives at all stages of their careers to connect and network. Women and gender-diverse individuals still make up less than 10% of the electrical trade and are often not included in the natural social connections that their counterparts have, which causes missed networking opportunities that are an integral part of a strong career. It is critical that all women and gender-diverse electricians are supported in the field.

The event also recognized industry allies who have stepped forward to provide funding and support for women and gender-diverse students. BCIT President Dr. Jeff Zabudsky and Associate Dean of Industrial Construction James Cai shared their words of support. Guest speakers included Carly Steiman of Lady Electric, Kelly Kienleitner of the Electrical Joint Training Committee, and Anne Lee—CPA and electrical apprentice. Most of the electricians in the room were BCIT alumni or current students and the BCIT Alumni association made a significant contribution to the event. Representatives from the British Columbia Centre for Women in Trades and Technology, BC Hydro, SkilledTrades BC, Robertson Electric Wholesale, and the IBEW were in attendance. As well, BC Hydro, The City of Vancouver, women electrical contractors, union and non-union electricians, apprentices and students were also present.

Activities included a slideshow of the attendees’ electrical work, speed-networking and an abundant swag and door prizes for all.
Everyone that attended helped create a warm and welcoming space to bring together Electrical students, BCIT alumni, faculty, staff, and industry professionals. A huge thank you to Anna Lary and Kavan Smith—also an Electrical Instructor for creating this space for women and gender-diverse electricians to have the opportunity to connect and network. A special thank you as well to all the industry allies for their support towards not just the event but in their continued support to welcoming women and gender-diverse tradesworkers in this intensely gender-segregated industry.
Wonderful to see!