BCIT GIS students win the Esri Canada ECCE App Challenge

Earlier this year, BCIT Geographic Information Systems (GIS) students participated in the ECCE App Challenge, organized by Esri Canada. Student teams were given one week to create an app using GIS solutions and open data to help address a problem related to the topic of conservation and protected areas or urban ecology.

BCIT students Junior Thiensirisak, Anthony Wong, and Michael Wong from Team GeoJAM placed first place against students across Canada. Congratulations!

Deciding to focus on the theme of conservation and protected areas, GeoJAM created an app called Conservation Suitability Explorer (CSE). The CSE is an interactive and visual information product that presents map layers to inform conservation efforts in British Columbia and beyond. The app aims to assist decision makers, organizations, and conservationists find and prioritize terrestrial areas for conservation.

Junior, Anthony, and Michael came to BCIT with existing post-secondary degrees in the areas of environmental science, geography, and economics. All three decided to enroll in the BCIT GIS Advanced Diploma Program to build upon their current knowledge and skillset for expanded job opportunities.

While their backgrounds are diverse, these students found a common denominator in their passion for the environment and sustainability, software design, and working with the community. Using their vast knowledge and skills to their advantage, Junior, Anthony, and Michael were able to create unique solutions and applications to real world situations during the competition. They also had the opportunity to speak, present, and work with leading industry decision makers, organizations, and conservationists.

Once again, congratulations to Team GeoJAM and all students who participated in this year’s ECCE App Challenge!

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