Our People: Meet Jennifer Madigan, BCIT Instructional Development Consultant

Putting people at the core of everything we do is paramount at the British Columbia Institute of Technology. We are committed to ensuring our people — those who make BCIT distinct, are developing while feeling valued, supported, and connected.

BCIT is a people-first organization.  We aim to celebrate our employees by sharing their stories through the Our People series. The series features BCIT’s extraordinary employees who share a strong sense of pride and ambition for the Institute and make up our diverse community.

GET TO KNOW: Jennifer Madigan, Instructional Development Consultant in the BCIT Learning and Teaching Centre (LTC) and an Instructor in BCIT Polytechnic Academy.

Jennifer holding an iced coffee outdoors
Jennifer, Consultant at LTC and Instructor at Polytechnic Academy

How would you summarize the work that you do at the Institute?

The work is fascinating and encompasses providing support in areas of teaching and learning. We work with many schools and are exposed to a variety of different topics which makes the job very interesting. As an Instructional Development Consultant, we work with a lot of people on a daily basis, and this helps broaden my perspective that there are many ways of achieving the same goals. I enjoy learning from others and that there is always more than one way of addressing a problem.

Share your experience with teaching fellow BCIT educators through Polytechnic Academy. What can your students expect in your upcoming course in May?

We have a very exciting course that covers the multifaceted forms of media and how to use it to achieve learning outcomes. We touch on immersive technologies: virtual reality, augmented reality and artificial intelligence. The in-person classes offer many exploratory activities such as the role of media in teaching and learning, how we can use media to create communities in and outside of the classroom, and we also develop a game prototype and experience different forms of media as a learner and teacher.

LEARN MORE: Visit the Polytechnic Academy website.

Share a project that you’ve worked on at BCIT that you are most proud of?

The highlights of my role are the opportunities to conduct projects in immersive technologies such as virtual reality and augmented reality. My past projects includes:

  • creating a VR Framework for teaching and learning with Francine Anselmo from Radiography and Dan Block from Educational Technology services
  • researching the impact of VR in teaching and learning in Radiography
  • accessing coastal sustainability using 360 VR Image with Chris Cambon from the LTC and Dave Harper from the Ecological Restoration Program

Currently, I am working with Randy Sandhu from Auto Collision Repair and Finishing, Daniel Block from Educational Technology Services, Tom Quily from LTC and the awesome students from the Industry Sponsored Student Projects: Jason Oh, Jay Wang, Jun Mo An and Kyle Ng on the impact of Augmented Reality on teaching and learning in Autobody.

In what ways have you developed professionally while working with the Institute?

I love technology and how it impacts teaching and learning. BCIT has provided opportunities for me to work and develop my areas of interest through the many grants that are available for professional development. The grants have also connected me to many amazing faculty and and staff that work at BCIT which is the highlight of my work. I also greatly appreciate the support from my Director, Associate Vice President, colleagues and the Institute.

Share with us how you spend your time outside of work. Do you have any hobbies?

I love the outdoors and nature. We are so lucky to live in such a beautiful city where one can go skiing and kayaking on the same day. I have a 4 lb kayak that I take with me everywhere I go -it fits in my purse. My favourite thing to do is hitting the slopes early in the morning and then finishing the day with a nice relaxing kayak ride on Sasamat Lake. Life is beautiful in BC!

GROW WITH US: Explore rewarding opportunities at BCIT.

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