BCIT Master’s student receives research award to study in France

Conducting research abroad may be one of the most beneficial experiences for a student ­– taking in the allure and culture of a new country while having the opportunity to collaborate with international researchers.

Sirine Maalej, PhD, PEng, BCIT School of Energy, Mechanical Engineering faculty and researcher

School of Energy’s Mechanical Engineering faculty Dr. Sirine Maalej, Ph.D., PEng, is a researcher in Artificial Intelligence for Energy Efficiency. She successfully applied for the Mitacs Globalink Research Award Abroad program which supports research collaborations between Canada and select partner organizations and eligible countries and regions.

Xiao Jun (Jeff) Wong, Research Student

Xiao Jun (Jeff) Wong, one of Dr. Maalej students, co-supervised by Dr. Rodrigo Mora in Building Science, will be spending a few months starting in the late Spring of 2022 at the Ecole Centrale de Lille in France then will return to BCIT to carry out the findings.

The research Human-in-the-loop: occupants as integral drivers of indoor climate controls, aims to develop a pilot testbed project in the BCIT campus to explore the application of human-in-the-loop principles in an educational setting. The objective of the project is to design an experiment in a classroom or a group of classrooms linking a comfort App in the students’ and faculty phones, with enhanced room environmental sensors to provide real-time feedback to the HVAC building management system (BMS) controls.

Dr. Sirine Maalej and Jeff Wong, working on their research project

“This first exchange is a wonderful opportunity for Jeff Wong to add an international perspective to his education at BCIT, and we are very grateful to Mitacs for their funding,” said Dr. Andrea Frisque, Dean, School of Energy. “Dr. Maalej’s research also initiated a memorandum of understanding with the Ecole Centrale de Lille which will provide us with a direct link to collaboration between the two institutions.”


“We are so excited about this opportunity for Jeff.  This research award will help initiate long-term collaborations between BCIT and reputable institutions in France” said Dr. Sirine Maalej. “Jeff will gain new skills and greatly benefit from this international experience.”

“My plan is to arrive in Lille this summer, with Dr. Maalej joining me in mid-summer,” shared Jeff Wong. “We are crossing our fingers this plan will become a reality, I am beyond excited about this learning opportunity”.

Dr. Sirine Maalej was also successful in obtaining a BCIT International Mobility Fund (IMF) award, Institute Research Funds (IRF) funds and will be signing a MOU with Ecole Centrale de Lille to continue her innovative research in Artificial Intelligence for Energy Efficiency.

Jeff Wong and Dr. Maalej’s research will contribute to the institution’s ambitious plan to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) and to the national and international efforts using the latest advancements in AI. The BCIT Energy Team in Facilities, School of Energy, and School of the Construction and Environment are working hard to contribute to Canada’s goal of reducing GHG by 40-45% by 2030.


BCIT researchers and research groups have been working with industry clients for 30 years, helping companies and organizations develop new technologies, products and services. The practical solutions range from process improvements for small SMEs to changing provincial building codes for the construction industry to a collaborative research network involving students, researchers, companies, and government organizations from across Canada.


At the School of Energy, our mandate is to engage in applied research with the objectives of supporting our educational programs, developing our faculty and advancing the state of practice. Faculty in the School of Energy are directly or indirectly engaged in research at different levels, from advancing their course materials, professional development, to funded research projects to advance the state of practice.


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