Congratulations to the BCIT student award recipients of 2021. BCIT launched the online Student Awards Celebration on November 30 to recognize students’ achievements and provide a unique and memorable experience that they can share with family, friends, mentors, and peers.
“On behalf of all our exceptional faculty and staff here at BCIT, I am very proud to congratulate this year’s student award recipients on their outstanding achievements,” says BCIT President Kathy Kinloch. “I wish we were able to recognize each of your achievements in person, but be assured we are no less excited and honoured to celebrate you virtually.”

In recognition of their academic achievement, outstanding leadership, and positive contributions to the community, this year over 600 students received awards including graduating achievement awards, in-term achievement awards, entrance awards, and scholarships.
“This has been an incredible year of change and recovery, and as the world continue to change and shift around us, our learners have shown true commitment to their educational goals,” says Jackie Jacob, Executive Director, BCIT Foundation. “Congratulations to our 2021 award recipients on their tremendous successes. To our extraordinary donors, we are so grateful for your inspirational leadership in philanthropy. With your steadfast support, our graduates are motivated to dream bigger and work harder to become the leaders, makers, and innovators our world needs – locally, nationally, and on a global scale.”
Enjoy the Student Awards Celebration online: watch the commemorative video including greetings from BCIT President Kathy Kinloch and stories from several of our remarkable student award recipients; browse the digital program highlighting our student recipients and descriptions of the awards they received; and see a full list including all of our generous donors, without which many of these stories would not be possible.
Support student success. Learn more about donating towards BCIT student awards. Visit