As we advised the community earlier this fall, BCIT looked carefully into the implementation of mandatory, confidential proof of vaccination and rapid testing requirements among our campus community. One of the critical steps in this exploration was to gauge vaccination rates among BCIT students, faculty, and staff. We did this through a BCIT COVID-19 Vaccination Status Survey and are pleased to share the results.
Thank you to the over 1,700 faculty and staff and 9,100 students who participated in the voluntary and confidential survey, the results of which indicate:
- 96% of BCIT faculty and staff who responded indicated they are vaccinated against COVID-19; and within those who are vaccinated, 99% are fully vaccinated. 65% of faculty and staff participated in the survey.
- 94% of BCIT students who responded indicated they are vaccinated against COVID-19; and within those who shared they are vaccinated, 96% are fully vaccinated and 4% are partially vaccinated. 42% of students participated in the survey.
The information from this voluntary and confidential vaccination status survey will support our BCIT approach to on-campus learning and working and ensure we continue to provide a safe environment for students, faculty, and staff.
We thank and acknowledge the vast majority of BCIT students, faculty, and staff who are vaccinated for helping to keep yourself and those around you safe. We encourage everyone who is not yet vaccinated to visit a local vaccination clinic to be immunized and remind you that the clinic on the Burnaby campus is welcoming walk-ins for first and second doses.
Given the very high vaccination rate within our community and the proven protection of those who have been fully vaccinated, BCIT will not be proceeding with implementation of campus-wide mandatory proof of vaccination or rapid testing measures at this time. We will continue to monitor the safety of our community as well as WorkSafe BC and Provincial Health Officer (PHO) measures and orders as the term and year unfold.
Consistent with PHO Orders, we continue to require proof of vaccination to access Student Housing, Recreation Services, and the campus pub using BC’s Vaccine Card.
For ongoing updates on BCIT’s COVID-19 measures, please visit the BCIT COVID-19 information webpage.
Thank you,
Glen Magel
Director, Safety, Security and Emergency Management