As industries grow and adapt to both technological and social transformations in Canadian society, polytechnics work to ensure their program offerings keep pace with a dynamic labour market. One way they do this is by involving industry experts in curriculum design, ensuring programs meet the needs of an evolving workforce. With increasing demand for mid-career upskilling, BCIT has recently launched three industry-relevant microcredentials: mass timber construction, natural resource protection, and digital transformation.
Polytechnics Canada sat down with Dr. Tom Roemer, Vice President, Academic, BCIT, to discuss the new approach, which included:
- How do microcredentials differ from traditional courses in the same areas of study;
- What learners can expect when they complete a course;
- What a microcredential certification entails and how it might lead to or support further training;
- The response from learners and employers;
- and the future of microcredentials at BCIT.
Read the full article via Polytechnics Canada, published on August 24, 2021.