BCIT researcher Dr. Paula Brown awarded the ABC Norman R. Farnsworth Award

The 2021 American Botanical Council (ABC) Norman R. Farnsworth Excellence in Botanical Research Award has been presented to Dr. Paula Brown, Director, British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT) Natural Health and Food Products Research Group (NRG) and Canada Research Chair, at the 16th annual Celebration and Botanical Excellence Awards Virtual Ceremony on May 25, 2021.

The ABC Norman R. Farnsworth Excellence in Botanical Research Award is given for significant research contributions in the fields of pharmacognosy, ethnobotany, ethnopharmacology, or other scientific disciplines related to medicinal plants.

Dr. Joseph Betz, Acting Director, Office of Dietary Supplements at the National Institutes of Health, who presented Brown with the award said, “Dr. Paula Brown has published validated analytical methods for a number of dietary supplement ingredients, including ginseng, echinacea, kavalactones, and many more. She has more publications of supplement ingredient methods in AOAC International’s Official Methods of Analysis than any other author that I know.”

Dr. Paula Brown, Director, British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT) Natural Health and Food Products Research Group (NRG) and Canada Research Chair

“I want to acknowledge Mary Hardy, last year’s ABC Fredi Kronenberg Award winner, who reminds me, as I go down my rabbit hole of chemistry that this is about health. It’s about educating and facilitating the responsible use of botanical medicines for improved health and wellness,” said Dr. Paula Brown, “Everything that I have achieved here at BCIT has been with the support and hard work and dedication of my group, many of whom have been with me for close to two decades. I thank all of them because they are part of this award, as well.”

Dr. Paula Brown has been actively supporting the natural health products industry for more than a decade through applied research activities, including product development, the establishment of quality standards, analytical methods, and regulatory compliance. Brown sits on numerous boards, committees, and working groups in Canada and the United States, including the ABC Advisory Board.

About BCIT Natural Health and Food Products Research Group

The BCIT Natural Health and Food Products Research Group (NRG) addresses issues of product quality, process improvement, and human health using basic and applied science along with state-of-the-art technology. The goal is to ensure that all Canadians can achieve the potential health and economic benefits offered by medicinal plants, natural health products, and the food industry.


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