Yesterday, the Premier of British Columbia and the Provincial Health Officer announced an extension on the current Provincial Public Health Orders for a further five weeks, through to May 25, 2021, at midnight.
Current Orders
The following Orders remain in effect to address the rising COVID-19 case count and to help break the chain of transmission:
- Restaurants, pubs, and bars are closed for indoor dining. People dining on patios should do so with their immediate household or core bubble.
- Indoor, adult group fitness activities of any kind are paused. Gyms and fitness centres are restricted to individual or one-on-one activities only (i.e. one-on-one personal training).
- Travel continues to be limited to essential travel – for work or medical reasons only.
- Public health guidance for schools has also been amended to support and encourage students in grades 4-12 to wear masks while at school.
- Up to 10 people can continue to gather outdoors, but do not gather with several groups of new people. Stick to the same people. Continue to use COVID-19 layers of protection and maintain physical distancing.
This week, all British Columbians over 18 can register to receive a vaccine. Registering means you will be contacted to book a vaccine appointment when you are eligible based on your age and the Immunization Plan phases.
People born 1981 and earlier (40+) can get the AstraZeneca vaccine at eligible pharmacies with vaccine supply in the Lower Mainland, Vancouver Island, the Interior, and Northern B.C. Find an eligible pharmacy near you.
Travel Restrictions
We expect new orders will be in put in place later this week under the Emergency Program Act, to restrict vacation and recreation travel outside of your health authority.
Read the full announcement from the Province.
Visiting BCIT Campuses
- Please do not come to campus if you are feeling unwell. Attending class with even mild symptoms can threaten the safety of our community.
- Use the BC COVID-19 Self-Assessment Tool prior to arriving on campus each day to assess for COVID-19 symptoms.
- Wash your hands frequently, continue to physical distance, and strictly follow your department’s Safety Plan.
- BCIT students, faculty, staff, and visitors are required to wear a mask in all common areas on campus. This includes, spaces shared by other people, such as study areas, meeting rooms, open offices, cubicles, and stairwells. It also includes anywhere physical distancing of two metres may not be consistently possible.
- Download the BCIT Safety Wise app for convenient access to campus safety information and updates, as well as the Self-Assessment Tool, found in the “Safety Toolbox” section.
We are all in this together. Please remember to take care of yourself and each other. Counselling services for students are available virtually or by phone. The Province of BC’s Here2Talk Program is also available to connect students with mental health supports. As well, BCIT Mental Health at Home offers tips and resources to help you deal with some of the feelings you may experience during this the COVID-19 pandemic.
Thank you for continuing to do your part in following the Provincial Health Orders. Please visit the BCIT COVID-19 website for information and updates on the BCIT response to the pandemic.
Stay safe, well, and local.
Glen Magel
Director, Safety, Security and Emergency Management