Safety checklist for faculty and staff arriving on campus

With the Winter semester in full swing for both online and blended learning, this is a reminder of the important steps BCIT faculty and staff must take before arriving on campus.

  1. Complete the Pandemic Exposure online course

This is a mandatory 30-minute online course titled “BCIT Pandemic Exposure Control Plan”, available through the Employee Learning Hub in the My Courses section. This short program will help you gain critical information to help protect your health while reducing risk to others while on campus. Take the Pandemic Exposure course.

  1. Complete the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) New Employee Orientation online course

This is a 90-minute online course available through the Employee Learning Hub in the My Courses section. The OHS New Employee Orientation is part of the BCIT COVID-19 Safety Plan, and provides critical safety information to those new to BCIT and those who are returning to work on campus. Take the OHS online course.

  1. Complete your daily self-assessment

Use the BC COVID-19 Self-Assessment Tool prior to arriving on campus each day to assess for COVID-19 symptoms. All managers are to continue to connect with their teams and departments to confirm that a self-assessment has been completed prior to employees entering the workplace. Please do not come to campus if you are feeling unwell. Attending school or work with even mild symptoms can threaten the safety of our community.

  1. Wear a mask

Masks are required to be worn by everyone in all public indoor settings. This means that BCIT students, faculty, staff, and visitors are required to wear a mask in all common areas on campus. This includes spaces shared by other people, such as study areas, meeting rooms, open offices, cubicles, and stairwells, as well as anywhere physical distancing of 2m may not be possible.

  • One reusable non-medical mask is available to all staff, faculty, and students at no cost. Departments and schools are asked to email on behalf of staff and faculty to arrange distribution of masks.

I understand that this is a busy time of year, however, we need to ensure we are all following these steps to help keep each other safe. For more information about COVID-19 and working on-campus, please refer to the BCIT COVID-19 Faculty and Staff page.

Be safe and well,

Glen Magel
Director, Safety, Security and Emergency Management

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