Hello! My name is Natalie and I am a Level 4 student in the Medical Laboratory Science program.
What does a medical laboratory technologist do, exactly?

I’m sure many of you have had, or know someone who’s had, a sample (e.g. blood) taken at a clinic or hospital. The lab is where it ends up! Technologists are responsible for testing a variety of specimens including, but not limited to, blood, urine, cerebrospinal fluid, stool, and tissue samples. The results of these tests are then used by doctors and other health professionals to make decisions that directly impact patient care.
It may not be a glamorous job, but it is important!
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Level 4 is the start of a 38-week clinical placement—a substantial step from the two weeks we spent in a hospital setting at the end of Level 1 for phlebotomy (yes, we learn how to draw blood, too). My placement is in Kelowna and I’ve spent the last week or so getting settled in. It is my first time moving away from home, and it didn’t take long to realize there are many things I’m not used to doing on my own, on a consistent basis. Cooking, laundry, buying groceries… the list goes on. That said, I’m looking forward to the challenge—and being able to apply the knowledge I’ve gained in lectures & labs to real patient cases.
A little bit about myself. When I’m not studying, I’m probably listening to music and writing about it on The Permanent Rain Press. The likelihood of me dropping links to a current favourite in each post here are very, very high. I’m also a Canucks fan, I drink a lot of instant coffee, and the last book I read was A Lite Too Bright by Sam Miller.
That’s all for now! Once I get into the lab this week reality will set in, and I’ll have more to write about.
Interested in the Medical Laboratory Science full-time diploma program? Join the next online info session at BCIT.