BCIT summer residence – moving rooms

After I was assigned a clinical placement in Vancouver for the summer, I decided it would be easiest to stay in campus housing for both the summer and into next semester. The thing about summer housing at BCIT is that not all of the houses remain open because there are a lot less students living there. By the luck of the draw, the suite I have lived in since January was one of the ones that closed for the summer which meant I had to move rooms. Usually when I think about moving I imagine the filling of cardboard boxes, packed car trunks and moving trucks but this was nothing like that. We were given three days to walk out stuff from one room to the next.

My new room is about a six minute walk from the old one, which seems like nothing, but when that walk is done 10 times, back and fourth, carrying large suitcases and bags it begins to feel much longer.
My strategy was to fill my suitcases, walk to the new house, unload them and walk back to fill them up again. Overall this worked pretty well and it took me the better part of Saturday morning to get it all done with very little preparation prior to that.

The funniest part of all this was that my new room is 98% identical to my old one. The location in the hallway, the design and the furniture are all the exact same as my old one. The one big change is my view, which was the only clue as to whether I should be unloading my suitcases or filling them up!

Overall the process was pretty painless, I am very thankful that BCIT housing offers residence to students in the summer. It saves us from having to find a short term rental, buy furniture and make larger moves than a 6 minute walk.
I was pretty apprehensive about moving into residence in January but now I am really happy I did it and am happy to be staying until my classes end at Christmas time!

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