Where to rent a room? The perks of getting into BCIT Residence

This is my second year in the Radiation Therapy Program at BCIT. During the first year of the program I was able to rent a room at my friends place in East Vancouver. I moved out at the end of the school year and moved to Victoria to do a semester in the BCCA Vancouver Island clinic. Now, starting in January 2018, I will be moving back to Burnaby and attend classes at BCIT again. This time around I applied to the BCIT Student Housing. I applied for housing in the summer time in the hopes that a room would open up for January. Sure enough I received an email in November offering me a spot. I have thought about all of the benefits to living on campus and decided to take the offer. Here are some perks of living on campus:

  • I will live on campus – this means walking to class, the gym and having the library very close by! Not only is it nice to be able to walk to all of the necessary locations but it also means I can sleep in, roll out of bed and head to class in the morning. Last year I was spending a lot of time commuting to and from campus on the bus. Living so close to my classes will save me some stress and also free up my time for studying and working part-time.
  • The room is furnished – being someone who does not consider the lower mainland my “homebased” it is VERY nice to avoid buying and moving furniture.
  • I will have 11 roommates – this means there is a pretty good chance there will always be someone around.  It might also mean it is going to be a noisy place to live but I will have to wait and see how that goes.
  • It is affordable – rent includes furniture, internet and hydro. I will save a lot of money compared to what I would have to pay to rent a place in Vancouver.
  • I will never have to clean the bathroom – there is a cleaning service included in the rent that cleans the shared bathrooms which is great because cleaning bathrooms is not something I enjoy doing.

I am looking forward to living on campus this year and am interested see how it all goes! I will keep you posted..

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